"Engage" With Cloud Filmmaking

Following up on her “Cloud Filmmaking Manifesto,” filmmaker Tiffany Shlain introduces the second film in her “Let it Ripple” series—a uniquely collaborative process, from creation through dissemination.

"Engage" With Cloud Filmmaking

This past spring, Tribeca published my Cloud Filmmaking Manifesto, where I outlined the thinking that challenged my team at The Moxie Institute to make films a new way.

The 5 Principles of Cloud Filmmaking

1. To use the cloud to collaboratively create films with people from all over the world.

2. To create films about ideas that speak to the most universal qualities of human life, focusing on what connects us, rather than what divides us.

3. To give back as much as is received, by offering free customized films to organizations around the world to further their message.

4. To use the cloud to translate films into as many languages as possible.

5. To push the boundaries of both filmmaking and distribution by combining the newest collaborative tools available online with the potential of all the people in the world.

The Let it Ripple series is a Moxie Institute production that puts the ideas covered in our feature documentary Connected into action. These films are collaborative—from their creation, to their translation, to their dissemination—all using cloud filmmaking.

One of the goals of Let it Ripple is not only to provide free media for inspiring organizations, but also to show how their work is interdependent. Our first film in this “cloud filmmaking” series was A Declaration of Interdependence, which has been volunteer-translated into 65 languages and has been donated, with free customized endings, to over 100 organizations all over the world.

We have just released the second film in this series, called Engage. Over the course of six months, we asked people from all over the world to send videos of themselves feeling their heartbeat and thinking about what it means. This is the 2-minute film that unfolded...

Since you have now watched this film, you are officially part of our experiment in cloud filmmaking, too.

Please help us take this experiment further.

1. Share: Please post, share, tweet, and forward this film to your networks, and watch the ripple effects happen!

Sample Tweet or Facebook post: Watch new 2-min film by Moxie Institute & @tiffanyshlain #LetItRipple

2. Spread your message: Are you part of an organization working to inspire your community to action and make the world a better place? We will make a free film to help you.

3. Translate: Engage has already been translated into Swahili, Spanish, French, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi, and Russian. Our last film, A Declaration of Interdependence, has been translated into 65 languages. Help Engage spread around the world through translation here.

4. Tell us your ideas: After watching Engage, share with us the ways you engage in the world around you. Share your ideas here.

Let’s make films happen. Together.

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