Online World Premiere
Employee of the Month
Tribeca Online Premieres
Feature | United States, Belgium | 78 MINUTES | French | English subtitlesHorror, Women, Comedy
Middle-aged Ines is a diligent worker at EcoCleanPro, a company that sells cleaning products. She is reliable and eager to please, and is always at the beck and call of her boss Patrick. Ines is tasked with mentoring young trainee Melody - whose mother used to work at the company - and she embraces her mentoring role to the sarcastic, closed-off Melody. However, while Ines treats her work seriously, her male co-workers and her boss Patrick consistently belittle her, ordering her to do menial tasks. With her patience running out, Ines meets with Patrick to ask him for a raise, and he proceeds to not only disparage her request, but also grab her violently and assault her. Ines pushes him away as Melody walks into the office, and an accidental violent incident is committed. Melody is now complicit in Ines’ crime, and both women must decide how to cover their tracks and clean up their mess.
Veronique Jadin’s Employee of the Month delivers a sharp look at office culture, explored through a genre lens. This quirky dark comedy infectiously embraces its comical circumstances, while at the same time having something to say about sexism & misogyny in the workplace. With its playful tone and cleverly-crafted moments of outlandish violence, Jadin’s film injects her mischievous narrative with thoughtful characters & a darkly comedic perspective.--Jose Rodriguez

Cast & Credits
Véronique Jadin
Production Company
US Sales Contact
International Sales Contact
Print Source
Beacon Theatre
The Rush system functions as a standby line that will form at the venue approximately one hour prior to scheduled start time. Admittance is based on availability and will begin roughly 10 minutes prior to program start time. Rush Tickets are the same price as advance tickets and are payable upon entry.