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Being an attractive gay man at a liberal arts college outside of New York City shouldn't be a bad thing -- that is, unless your father is a conservative Republican family values senator from a southern state in the election fight of his life. Henry (Matt Newton) feels his world closing in around him after his father decides to make him the poster boy for his campaign -- unaware, of course, that Henry is gay and increasingly mortified by his father's strident speechifying. Henry's story is intertwined with those of Anthony and Izzie, two friends from the city whom Henry encounters on a night out. What begins as a one-night stand for Henry and Anthony soon develops into a relationship, while Izzie has to confront issues from her own past with the unwitting aid of Henry's conservative parents. Ultimately, Henry takes it upon himself to finally speak out in favor of his own political views, to his father's shock and surprise. Shot in a startlingly realistic cinema verité style, and with a stellar cast that includes Michael Lerner and Karen Allen, Poster Boy is a smartly written, grippingly realistic look at the clash between family politics and national politics.