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An eccentric New York window washer wants to be the Steve Prefontaine of competitive eating. If that sentence makes a kind of crackpot sense to you, then Crazy Legs Conti may be your personal The Sorrow and the Pity. The eponymous glutton also works part-time as a nude model and sperm donor, but neither of those pursuits quenches his appetite for glory like the prospect of scarfing down fistfuls of franks at the annual Nathan's Fourth of July Hot Dog Eating Contest. So Crazy Legs takes to the road, first to New Orleans and later to Boston and Seattle, determined to win recognition from the International Federation of Competitive Eating and earn a seat on the Independence Day "Bus of Champions" alongside the likes of Ray "the Bison" Meduna and Eric "Badlands" Booker. These champion gorgers may be fatter and more experienced, but beneath Crazy Legs' slacker exterior beats the heart of a fierce competitor with a burning desire to achieve his personal best. This documentary takes us inside the world of its genial subject, who earnestly pursues his goals with support from bemused friends and relatives and an enviable Zen-like focus. See Crazy Legs "train" by chugging down raw oysters in his apartment. See him analyze videotape of his rivals in an effort to gain an edge on the competition. Above all, see the birth of a new American sports legend. In 20 years, when competitive eating has taken its rightful place as America's national pastime, you'll be glad you did.