World Premiere
Lost In Random
Tribeca Games
| Sweden | 20 MINUTES | English | English subtitlesAction
From the award-winning Swedish game studio, Zoink, play the odds in Lost in Random, a gothic fairytale-inspired action adventure where every citizen’s fate is determined by the roll of a dice. Walk the Kingdom of Random’s mysterious cobbled streets, meet its unpredictable residents, and take on courageous quests. Experience fearsome battles with a unique blend of tactical combat, card collection, and explosive dice gameplay, as you adapt inside giant board game arenas that change with every dice throw.

Cast & Credits
Electronic Arts
Key Collaborator
EA Partners Team
Project Creator
Klaus Lyngeled, Olov Redmalm
Game Creator
Klaus Lyngeled, Olov Redmalm
Katey Parr, Birte Widmann, Olov Redmalm, Karen Kahler, Ty Konzak, Pauline Constantine
Game Studio
Zoink Games
Press Contact
Rabeeah Patail
fortyseven communications
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: 8186012664
fortyseven communications
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: 8186012664